SATURDAY, December 9th, 2017
- 1:00 PM 3:00 PM
What do you really want?
In 1853 Henry David Thoreau wrote a famous essay called “Walden”, in which he included a hidden code for living life deliberately. This workshop will help you start unlocking your own hidden code, deep within you so that you can start realizing the kind of life that you truly deserve!
You will Learn:
- Two essential keys for tuning into true self.
- A 5-point test to ensure your dreams are aligned with your best.
- Simple strategies that will guard you from fear, doubt and worry.
- The thought process used by the most successful people in the world.
- The reason why people lose steam and how to stay motivated and override it.
- A proven method for dissolving resistance and attracting more of what you really want.
- The one critical thing you must give up to have what you want and much more!
QUESTIONS: or call 513-763-0968